
Using pip

Only pip is supported at this time.

python3 -m pip install git+

If you plan to contribute to or modify Smoofit, you might prefer this method:

python3 -m venv smoofit_venv
source smoofit_venv/bin/activate
git clone ssh://
cd smoofit
python3 -m pip install -e .

Smoofit on GPU

JAX, and hence Smoofit, will automatically use available GPUs provided you have:

  • properly set up CUDA on your system,

  • installed JAX for GPU, see instructions here.

Building the documentation

Install additional requirements:

cd smoofit/
python3 -m pip install ".[docs]"

Build the documentation:

cd docs/
make html

The HTML documentation is then available under docs/_build/html/index.html.

Running the test

Install additional requirements:

cd smoofit/
python3 -m pip install ".[tests]"

Run the tests:

cd tests/
pytest --cov=smoofit